Saturday, November 13, 2010

Kit Watkins - This Time and Space

Text taken from Earth Mantra Netlabel

Prepare yourself for another extraordinary release from Kit Watkins on Earth Mantra. This album, called "This Time and Space", is an hour long collection of seven gorgeous improvised ambient tracks, performed and recorded live in the studio.

It was perhaps best described by Marius-Christian Burcea: "This Time and Space is memorable in its ineffable atmosphere, its capacity to cast a spell on the listener while bringing him more intensely into contact with himself. The sounds flow continuously, dissolving any contrasts and unbinding primordial emotions ... a soundworld of perennial beauty and profound tenderness that captures our yearning for deep peace and contentment ... lovely music for meditation and a landmark recording in the [field of] Ambient Healing Music".

We couldn't agree more. Kit Watkins is one of the greatest ambient artists ever, an "enlightened musical intelligence" who creates music of great depth and breadth, of sublime beauty and importance. We are stoked to bring you the music of Kit Watkins via Creative Commons and look forward to much more from this brilliant artist.

Be sure to check out the companion DVD release on Earth Mantra:

Originally released in 2003. Re-released under Creative Commons on Earth Mantra in August 2008.

256Kbps MP3


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