Monday, September 20, 2010

French Teen Idol - Enlightened False Consciousness

Text taken from LostChildren

"Enlightened False Consciousness" is French Teen Idol's second release, following the 2005 self-titled debut album. 

Melancholic piano patterns, dreamy atmospheres, vocal samples and striking instrumental crescendos, some of the ingredients of French Teen Idol's debut album, are sill there, enriched by the continuous search for new musical solutions, including a more classical "song-structure" approach in some tracks. 

Athens-based band GardenBox and Roman artist Patrizio Piastra collaborated with French Teen Idol on track #2, "The Longest Night". Other collaborations include Fabrizio Lagani (track #3) and Olalla Rey Fernández (track #5).


1. The Following Takes Place Between 0'00'' And 57'30''
2. The Longest Night
3. Memento
4. Departure
5. The Fleeting Beauty Of A Butterfly
6. Compromise Your (He)Art
7. Ode To A Departing Friend
8. Enlightened False Consciousness.
9. Stay
10. Rebirth 

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